This Christmas

Dear family in Christ, God loves to do the impossible, and He made it abundantly clear in the many Bible verses that will be read

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How Little Becomes Much

God’s value system is so different from ours, no wonder Paul advises us to renew our minds. Our natural understanding of the world is shaped

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God Can Do It!

Far too many modern Christians only have the Laodicean church as a model, but there is much more to the church than meets the eye.

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When The Fire Fell

This is an excerpt from a little book entitled When the Fire Fell by George T. B. Davis, first published in 1945 and now in

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Paul’s Pain

It is hard to put into words the appreciation Christians have for the apostle Paul. Few people had the impact Paul still has, almost 2000

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Jesus Rocks

There is a reason why rocks are used as symbols for the Lord. The steadfastness of His love for us, even when we are shaken;

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