You Are Invited!

There were many crosses during Jesus’ time on the earth as it was the Romans’ preferred method of executing criminals. Many people died on crosses

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God’s New World Order

There has been a lot of talk about a new world order since US president G.H.W. Bush first mentioned it in a speech before Congress

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Have you every wondered why the first thing that God ever did for man was to bless them? So God created man in His own

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Dying Well

Most people do their best to live well, but seldom think about dying well. The way we die says much about how we lived. There

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Understanding our Times

There is always uncertainty when big changes are taking place, and for good reason. We don’t easily transition from established ways of life to what

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The Baptism with Fire

We are always curious to know the last words of a person before they left this earth. Last words are usually viewed as important for

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