The Cross
The cross upon which Jesus died is unique in the religions of the world. It is a monument that sets Christianity apart from the rest, as no other religion can…
The cross upon which Jesus died is unique in the religions of the world. It is a monument that sets Christianity apart from the rest, as no other religion can…
Good day all Subscribers! Thank you to all who already subscribed to our new venue for articles, devotionals, and podcasts! We plan to make more of our time -- and…
The relationship we build with God is one of trust — in the same way a child trusts their father. A child never questions the parent’s ability to provide, care,…
The birth of Jesus can be described in one word: love. God is love. And it was His love for mankind that He gave Jesus to us, for us, and…
Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned accor-ding to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who…
Jesus always knew what He had to do because He understood His purpose. His purpose kept Him focused in the midst of the many distractions that came His way, protected…
The chasm between your legal position and practical experience of the benefits of the cross can be huge, depending on the depth of darkness from which you came. There may…
The new life Jesus gave us is vastly different from the old — and should be — to make it worth the horrors He endured on the cross. Don’t ever…
An exchange took place at the cross: Jesus received our sin, and we received His righteousness. He became sin, and we became the righteousness of God in Him. God turned…
The new creation being is a newly created spiritual being God created for His purposes on earth. The old, dead in sin, only lived to satisfy the temporary cravings of…