Living for rust and moths

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the…

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How visible is your holiness?

Holiness is a theme that runs like a thread through both testaments of the Bible. God is holy, and He demands of his people to be holy. And holiness is…

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A story of salvation

My father, in his old age, one day asked us to take him to the place where he was saved. It was a few hours drive away from where he…

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Why pastors leave the ministry

I grew up in a church where we had a pastor of impeccable integrity and dignity. He was a highly respected man with a strong pulpit ministry and compassionate care…

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Are you ready for persecution?

The church in the West has enjoyed a few centuries of trouble-free existence and we have become accustomed to a Christianity without persecution. This is, however, not the kind of…

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Pollution and the Apocalypse

I once saw a note at a park that I visited in Trinidad that said, “Leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but pictures.” This sounds like a responsible way…

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