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Good day all Subscribers!

Thank you to all who already subscribed to our new venue for articles, devotionals, and podcasts! We plan to make more of our time — and the internet — that are available to us to encourage, share and be together. We are in the process of moving over to Substack where all of our communications will be available on one page.

As many of you know, we have a small group here in Mexico where we share the Word every Sunday. All of those meetings are audio recorded, and will also be available on Substack. Please subscribe by clicking on the link below:

Subscription is free!

The link will take you to Substack where you need to click on the red bar that says SUBSCRIBE. You will then see a space where you can fill in your email address. Click, and it is done!

NB: We will discontinue posts on our website soon, but would like to continue with you!

Johan & Gerda du Toit

Johan du Toit

Johan du Toit is the Founder and President of WordWise Word School, Inc.