You have influence!


Andrew Murray, in his book, The Key to the Missionary Problem, said that every church, no matter how small, can have an international influence through missions. This truth has increased in value since it was written over a hundred years ago, because possibilities have increased. We can now update his statement to read, “every Christian who has a smartphone, tablet, or computer, can impact the world by viewing the internet as a church or a mission field.”

It may not have occurred to you right away, but in the picture above you are looking at a pulpit that is infinitely more powerful than any that you have seen anywhere else. Your computer or smartphone keyboard has the potential to address an audience much larger than you can imagine. From this pulpit you can reach into communities where the gospel has never been heard, where no preacher, church or Bible exists – without going there in person. No building is required, no trained or ordained preacher, no missionary support, and no overhead costs that restrict the message from going out.

The internet is where people are – where they socialize, look for entertainment, share stories, communicate, ask for prayer, and look for friendship. Many look for answers to their questions that they often too embarrassed to ask a person that they know. The anonymity of the internet affords them the boldness to talk about things that they normally wouldn’t.

We are living at a time when it has never been easier to take the gospel around the globe – without leaving the comfort of your own home. Technology certainly contributed its share to the ills of our world, but there is a good side to it that shouldn’t be ignored. Consider the words of the apostle Paul:

For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen. Romans 11:36

That includes the internet! It is no coincidence that a wide open door was given to us to preach the gospel just as the world system is grinding toward a painful end, and God’s judgment is looming over the earth. Imagine what the apostles would do with such an instrument!

Gone are the days when one could raise excuses such as “I am not trained;” “I don’t know what to do;” “I cannot speak;” “I don’t know the Bible well enough,” etc. If you have a testimony, you have something that someone else might be looking for. A Bible verse that speaks to you, will speak to others too. Repost someone else’s posting if you have nothing to say, but reach out.

The world is waiting on you!

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