Belgium Ministry Trip – Report Back


I just returned from a ministry visit to Belgium where I spent ten days with graduates of our charter class of 1998. It was such a blessing to see so many of them that are active in ministry today. Some have moved away but continue to serve in different ways.

It was my privilege to minister in different churches in and around Brussels and Antwerp, and spending time with pastors and leaders in private meetings. The Word went out with conviction and touched many lives. Brussels is a culturally diverse city, which is one of the reasons I always enjoy visiting there.

A huge “Thank You” to pastors Nestor and Ophelia Panopio who took excellent care of me during my entire stay there. I enjoyed my early morning coffees and stimulating discussion with pastor Nestor!

During the first service in Brussels a pastor came all the way from Hagen in Germany to attend the meeting. This led to me speaking at his church in Germany on my last Sunday after I ministered in Brussels during the morning service – two meetings in two different countries on one day!

I believe a second visit to Belgium will happen soon.

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