Contend for the faith in 2019!


We are blessed to enter another new year. Most people look at the new year as a fresh start with new hope for a better life, and it is an ideal opportunity to take stock of where life went and where it should be heading. We wish each other a happy and prosperous new year. Prognosticators tell us what to expect before it comes to an end, and others put labels on the year: “the year will be known as the year of…”
As someone who studies our world on a daily basis – the politics, the church and other religions, trends, events, movements, etc., this year I struggle with this good tradition that we have. Instead I sense an urgency in my spirit, not to stifle the optimism that comes with each new year, but to face reality and be relevant witnesses and ministers in the chaotic world that we live in.

It would be foolish to think that 2019 will be like 2018. Much will change in our volatile world as we face new global challenges that push the envelope and force people everywhere to adapt to strange new world views. Our world is changing faster than many people can handle. Most people are unaware of the dark forces that are at work to reform our world in ways that are not beneficial to the freedoms that we now enjoy. We also notice a convergence of the signs that the Bible connects with the end of this era of grace.

Seeing with our own eyes prophecies of both the Old and New Testaments come to pass with stunning accuracy, inspires hope. We have arrived at the time that the saints of old spoke about. The moment has come to fill our lamps with oil and be about the Father’s business, for soon we will hear the sound of the trumpet that calls us away from the wrath that is to come upon the wicked. (1 Thessalonians 4:16) More and more I hear the call of the saints, even openly on social media.

And the Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Revelation 22:17

The true Christian life is based on stewardship. A life that is surrendered to the Lord owns nothing, not even itself. Everything that we are and have are entrusted to us in a stewardship arrangement with the Lord of our lives. Our time, skills, gifts, health, assets, etc. are all lent to us by the One to whom we belong. That makes us also stewards of 2019, and the opportunities locked up in it.

As darkness is falling on the earth, opportunities to be lights that shine on a lamp stand come with it. Many that do not have the revelation that you have will be looking for a word of hope, answers to tough questions, accurate knowledge, or truth in a sea of lies and deception. Good stewardship of truth will be in high demand in 2019!

Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:1,2

Paul says we are stewards of the mysteries of God. Mysteries in the New Testament always means hidden truth. Truth is a very powerful force, because, as Jesus said, it makes us free. (John 8:32) Ignorance gives birth to harmful decisions, it destroys lives, families, careers, etc., but truth brings liberty when it is held onto. All truth is hidden to the ignorant person; it remains a mystery that is kept from him so that the devil can rule over him.

Consider that the understanding that you have is revelation to another, the very door to a life of freedom. You are a steward of that mystery; you hold the key that can set someone else free. Will you be a good steward of that mystery? Speak up, reach out, encourage, teach, witness – do what the opportunity requires.

“Moreover it is required in stewards that one be faithful.” Faithfulness is to be on time, all the time, doing what is right and wholesome.

I don’t know what label we can put on 2019, but I do know it will be a year like no other. Deep darkness is falling on the earth as the global government systematically moves closer to becoming a reality. Already we see calls for European nations to surrender their sovereignty to the European Union, and it is only the beginning. Even the pope calls for all nations to submit to a global government. Riots have become common in many nations now, causing widespread destruction of property and fear in many hearts, but don’t expect to see much of it on your TV screen. The Evil One knows he has the upper hand over the ignorant as they will never rise to the occasion.

It is in such circumstances that we must understand the time that we live in, and what to do. Christians cannot afford to be uninformed about the winds of change as they happen. Tired old methods don’t do it anymore, and cliches have long lost their effectiveness; cultural Christianity has no power, and the uninformed’s prayers miss the mark as they fail to bring pressing issues before the Throne.

Those that love the world and what it has to offer will not join the choir that calls for the Lord’s return, but we know this world is not our home. We are just passing through; we are ambassadors that serve a King of another Kingdom; we are here to promote our King and life in His domain. Soon our assignment will come to an end and we will be recalled, but while we are here we work diligently as faithful stewards.

Be encouraged as you see darkness falls; this is not something to be scared about. This might be our finest hour, our opportunity to rise up in courage and be the faithful steward that is about the Father’s business in the last of the last days.

There are so many Christian things that we can do, but only what is relevant for this time counts now.
As the cries for the Lord to return increase and become louder, let us prepare ourselves for that moment when He will answer those calls.

Let us all decide to make 2019 a year like no other; the god of this world already made his decision to do so. Take the risk; don’t be afraid of those who criticize.
May 2019 be your most fruitful year yet!

But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.  And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”  Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.  As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.  If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.1 Peter 4:7-11

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