Looking at Quebec


Relationships often give birth to something bigger down the road. Through the years I have often seen how the Lord brought us into a relationship with a person that eventually led to a ministry event that we could not do on our own, such as missionary outreaches, church planting, establishing of Bible Schools, etc.

A few years ago we met pastor Luc Gingras of Quebec on a television set. I discussed a book that I wrote and he provided music for the event. Nothing significant on the surface, but after the event we spent a few minutes to get to know each other and an agreement to do something together in future. Nothing happened for a few months and then Luc invited me to speak at his church in Granby. That opened the door to more ministry together and a much closer relationship.

A few weeks ago Luc finished the translation of the first two levels of our Bible School into French, a mammoth task that kept him busy for over a year. We now plan to launch a French language department of WordWise and reach out to the French speaking world.

We were blessed to attend The CRY prayer event in Montreal, led by Faytene Grasseschi. Two days were spent in intense prayer for the nation during this time of federal elections in Canada. We found the event very informative as facts about the spiritual currents in Montreal were shared with the more than 1000 people in attendance.

It was my privilege to share the Word at LaPlace, the church that Luc founded at Granby, the Sunday morning after The CRY. We sensed a special anointing when the Word went out to encourage us to rise up to our full potential and to raise up a generation with courage to “contend earnestly for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude:3)

We look forward to greater things to be born out of this relationship. We live in a very serious day and Christians must know our time and what we ought to do, as in ancient times:

…of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do… (1 Chronicles 12:32) 




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