Prayers with Answers


It seems God is limited by our prayers – that He can do nothing for humanity unless someone asks Him. God does nothing but in answer to prayer; and even those who have been converted to God without praying for it themselves, (which is exceeding rare) were not without the prayers of others. Every new victory which a soul gains is the effect of a new prayer. ~John Wesley

We have a standing invitation to enter the Throne Room, and to do so boldly. Seated at the right hand of God is our Intercessor and High Priest, one who has sympathy with us as He endured the same temptations as we do, yet without sin. Not only that, He also shed His own blood to open the door to the Father’s heart so that we can enter with confidence.

The apostle Paul says that we are ambassadors, representing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Ambassadors are in constant communication with their home office to bring matters of concern before the King and to receive instructions from Him. That is the work of prayer for the Christian.

Ambassadors concern themselves with their assignment for their personal needs are taken care of by their government. An ambassador cannot be effective if he is burdened with his own needs and safety, which is also what Jesus taught us:

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:33,34

Some find this a hard concept, but it will not be so if there is an understanding of the Father heart of God. He adopted us as His children, and with that comes the responsibility of care and provision. He is a good Father who loves to give good gifts to His children, and, as Paul explained, why will He not with Jesus give us all things. God loves His children!

God gave us prayer for a reason; Jesus encouraged us to pray, and so did Paul and the other apostles. Jesus spent much time in prayer Himself, even though He was the Son of God. Our prayers invite the God of the universe to intervene in the circumstances that we face on earth. His Word teaches us what to pray for, and how to pray. Our prayers establish a connection between heaven and earth through which the Lord can manifest His will.

Accept His invitation; He is waiting on you!

Protocol of Prayer looks into different important aspects of prayer that are not usually discussed. Read it on your smartphone, tablet or computer at the low price of CAN$3.97 made available by Kindle. Click here to purchase with free software

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