Trouble on the horizon for Jerusalem


Since president elect Donald Trump announced his plan to relocate the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, anger has been building around the world against it. Criticism against this plan even comes from within the USA.

“Delivering a Friday sermon on official Palestinian Authority (PA) TV, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, adviser on Religious and Islamic Affairs to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, said that “occupied Jerusalem is our eternal capital” and that the Muslim world will not stand idly by if the US moves its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

“There can be no compromises,” he stated. Such an act will “not pass in silence.”

Listen to him talk about this here

The Muslim world is speaking up against recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in angry tones as they support the recent resolution passed by the United Nations denying Israel’s history in Jerusalem, despite ample evidence through archeological discoveries there.

This new development is not new, though, as the Bible wrote about such developments to take place in latter days:

 A Song. A Psalm of Asaph. Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, And do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, And consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, That the name of Israel may be remembered no more.”Psalm 83 :1-4

Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. Zechariah 12:2-3

More Muslim countries responded here

Also read comments here

Jordan, who now has custody of the Temple Mount, also commented

This is not some small diplomatic matter that will go away soon; these are real threats that will probably fuel the hatred that is already well established around the world, with only a few exceptions. What can you do about this?

  1. Pray for cool heads to prevail and for the safety of Jerusalem and all Israel.
  2. This is a clear sign that we have entered into the last days before the Lord will wrap things up, so make sure your personal relationship with Him is real and intact.
  3. Talk about it; fulfilled prophecy is one of the most effective ways to get people’s attention and have them respond to the gospel.




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